Holding On.

Assalamualaikum w.b.t and a very raining afternoon of Sunday.

Sometimes, things can be hard to just let go. I can only miss so much and yet, we are of where we are and what we are. None can change it.Not all the time, but every now and again it pops back into my head and it makes me realise. I miss those days at KMKulim.

What made me said so???

Lets just say,

I miss how a slightest piece of Double Cheese Burger could perfectly filled a bunch of Akurian empty tummies. It insanely ridiculous but that the truth.

I miss how watching friend play games together can be so much fun than playing alone.

I miss how a single flimsy bed can fit three 'pre-grown' adult perfectly. We would then, start sharing every single story that we could think of.

I miss how every weekend we would take a long morning walk around the campus. Deliberately 'misplacing' ourselves in from of the girls dormitory building for some reason. They would be smart enough to not set even a foot outside.

I miss hows on every Tuesday, Adzeem n Kupa would rush all way to Dewan Selera just so they would not miss our absolute favourite tv series, Vanilla Cokelat.

I miss how we will jokes about Baling's only KFC being the most advance facilities it host. hahaha. (sorry Aiman its just too historically funny..and most importantly. I miss u).

I miss how Firdaus would make us walk to the dorm uphill through KoopMart just for absolutely nothing. He just love  to go there for absolutely no reason...still its super annoyingly hilarious.

I miss how Amir Abriza never yet have found his own bed at the dorm..hahaha...he was quite a freeloader..he went around crashing others bed.

I miss how frequently Mohsein and Aiman would stay in front of my laptop playing NFS and be really good at it and also trying to outrun the shit of each others score. Worth to mention, that Firdaus was the worst NFS driver among us. Haha.

I miss how Hazrol oldskool jokes never got boring. His 'loyar buruk' was something in him could never been left out. He was really phenomenal. A truly good friend in deed.

I miss how Sofi and Aslam were never dried out of joke. With them K2 tutorial seems so much cheerful and enjoyable despite Mr Fauzi ridiculously redundant assignment. They made everybody laugh to death. Haha.

I miss how Nabil was the only person who would come to me and use my phone to surf his facebook account. He was also the only person who I can trust with my fb password. It is just in him that I can really trust him. That`s all.

Last but not least, to everyone else in the campus who make life there so much fun.

Most importantly, I miss everything; the laughter, a series of practical joke followed by one after another, how we would share the hardest moment and How we would help each other make it through every single day. Its priceless.

We were only good when everybody is around. We tried making all the efforts to change things. We try not to be ourselves but to be better instead. Maybe at these point from now on, I`m better off alone. They had taught me a lot, now its my turn to use it for good.

Maybe I could just reach them through facebook, texting or what so ever means that Allah has given us. However, maybe it was really hard for us to see each other so frequent any more. Though in reality we don`t even care. Its the friendship that hold us strong. Somehow it`s also sad to try to even think that those I do deeply care about, cant be there for me in so sudden when I really need them. They cant possibly be all the way from Terengganu to Kulim, or even from Rawang to Kulim. Cant they? We are miles apart.

I know that now, we led our own lives that few of us will deem fit. I cant just jump up on everyone episode every now and then. They have their lives going on and I have mine.

So just I have to it over myself and think, friends came and go. They are not gone. They would just go. Some will come back. So make new ones while waiting for others to come.

So, you are sad sometimes? we`re not.
So, you afraid of tomorrow? not most people.
So, you feel neglected and alone? you got family.
So, what is the problem?

Allah s.w.t had made it real fair for all of us including me. HE gave then HE took. and so..

 Then which of the favors Of your Lord will ye deny?

Alhamdulillah. Till then. Just stay strong fellow mates...