Day in and night out, everything seems to walk out of pace trying to find meaning of its own. We forget how is everything used to be. Each soul struggling to find the missing piece of the their own puzzle.
We are a bunch with mistakes. Learning to be a man. We came alone with no one to hold upon. We were given shelter; a place, a warming heart where we could finally called home. Even as momentarily as it is. Though, it was more than a blessing that Allah swt had shone upon these dimmed heart.
Season are changing, so are hearts to keep. Many have come and yet many had gone. It'd be easy to give back of what had been taken. They put in effort; seeding to see the bloom of a flourished flowers. A garden of flowers which the petals are no longer afraid to shadow in the dark. Well, sometimes things are better unchanged. Force change deem to rise hatred. Those bonds created were almost meaningless.
We are sixty thousand second-hand away from the hearts who care. We dreamed of the utopia where new kindred soul are there for us lean against and watching over each others. Sadly, all of it now seems like a shimmering daydream with no one to care about but only ourselves. One can care so much, yet most of the time, there was a ghoul inside; screaming in pain and slowly dying. Killed by hope. Sight that none would ever wish for. Its painful to see hows things have gone. Never in a world, we can carry so much of an endless curios soul.
Its best apparently for everyone interest to stay for what they believe for. For what best for them and not for others. We, soon became I and I, alone, rested my case. Its time for I to redeem all those missing day light. I am alone and now will create a space for this daunt soul. I'm sorry for I have fail. O'Allah grants me strength to lead this road.