Assalamualaikum wbt.
Today post is about my UPU result as it went quite well yesterday. I did not exactly got what I really wish for but still alhamdulillah. Praise to Allah swt who gave me ways n still continue making way for me.
Yesterday, I took my time scrolling through facebook, twitter and any other means, observing what do these friends had to say regarding their UPU result. Some of them are really grateful of what they are having. Some of them are just being passive. Some of them are just pasrah and redha.
Pasrah and Redha
Firstly, I will toss away pasrah. Giving up is never an option. However, redha is something I`ll look up last, when everything are already being said, done and perfected by Allah swt. I`ll look up redha last, mainly because of the effort and also I know that I have not done enough yet. Even if the result of something is clear, there is still something in the slightest and weirdest effort we can do to change it and soon produce a better future. and then! it`ll be time for me to redha. (Y) :))
These two different words act the same but uncannily different. Please, don`t get me wrong but for me these are the words for those who are done trying. Those who have reached their limit. Pasrah (submission) word for those who already give up trying and leaving the rest for Allah swt fate to lead to. Redha is accepting at ease for what Allah swt had granted.
It is undeniably true that the cycle of effort, doa and tawakal is something to hold upon. However, little did we all know that this cycle will never end. Some people act like as if everything in the past are things that can not be change. Static and permanent.
Lets just take a glimpse of simple grammar rule. There are past, present, and the future. Past is an event that took place in the past of current time. Present is the event that take place at current time. Future is the event will be taking place somewhere after current time. In my personal point of view, which is significantly arguable and not fixed, past events are the result of the past and perfected events (a perfected and fixed past). Present are the result of the past. And future are the result of present. The best news is some of these past event can be change. They are not yet perfected nor even they are perfected.
Some of us assume that let bygones be bygones. Truly. Yes! We can not change it, but did anyone ever thought about fixing it? Just simply take the past to the present and fix it. So that the future will hold a better result. As simple as that. If we leave the past unfix, soon enough, long before u even know it, u are already lost. Lost to your own game. Sad isn`t it.
Well I do hope that I made a slight sense for some reason.
Till then, thank you for your time :))